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9 Main Factors That Affect Male Hair Loss | 6 Ways to Prevent Losing Hair or Balding

9 Main Factors That Affect Male Hair Loss & 6 Ways to Prevent Losing Hair or Balding

Hi , I'm going to talk about nine factors that affect hair loss in men. 

This is based off a 2013 study out of plastic reconstructive surgery Journal. They brought in ninety two identical sets of twins and they identified the nine factors in Sweden. In addition they gave six things six steps that you can take to help prevent hair loss.

The nine factors should come as no surprise; that's genetics, so what they discovered is the biggest.

9 Reasons 

1. Genetics

I will say that if you have a family history of hair loss, it's most likely that you're going to experience it. That's point number one.

2. Age

Factor number two is going to be your age. Yes, as you get older, hair loss becomes a bigger issue. That was no surprise. It didn't matter what was said. In most cases, people notice hair loss symptoms in their 30s and 40's. Once a person is in their 60's and older, they frequently experience more noticeable hair loss.

3.  Children 

I now have four children, which brings my child count to three, so I assume I am in trouble because it makes sense that the more children you have, the more hair loss you will experience. greater children typically mean greater stress.

4. Diet 

if you consume a lot of coffee and are a heavy drinker—defined as having more than four drinks per day—you are likely to experience some hair loss. However, it gets interesting when you consider that people who abstain from alcohol also experience hair loss. 

5 .Smoking 

The factor number five yes if you smoke that would affect your you would have more likelihood of hair loss. Smoking promotes the release of cytokines, proteins that can increase inflammation and cause scarring of the hair follicles. This scarring can make your hair more brittle and prone to falling out

6. Skin disease

When it came to disease especially skin disease if you had suffered from any type of that you were going to experience a higher level of hair loss. Alopecia areata is a disease that happens when the immune system attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss. Hair follicles are the structures in skin that form hair. While hair can be lost from any part of the body, alopecia areata usually affects the head and face.

7. Clothing 

Clothing this is where it gets interesting everything else I just talked about a lot of you guys are
like oh I'm not going to stop drinking my coffee but here's a lot of us have heard that wearing a hat can cause us to have a receding hairline or  to have hair loss but what they discovered is that's not true actually wearing a hat actuallymeant that you were going to keep your more your hair and they in tribute this to possibly damage from the Sun so if you want to keep your hair consider wearing hat that's not just a ball cap you can also bring it I'm a big fan of Sun hats especially whenever I travel down south or go to an airshow. I love wearing a nice straw Sun Hat which keeps us off my head keeps me cooler. Friction. People can develop hair loss where boots, socks, or tight clothing frequently rubs against their skin. The medical term for this is frictional Alopecia.

8. Stress 

factor number eight is going to be stress. if you  can reduce your stress levels then you are more likely to keep hair on your head. Stress can push hair follicles into a “resting” phase so that they don't produce new hair strands. Over time, hair can fall out more easily, even if you're just washing, combing, or touching it. Telogen effluvium also can be caused by poor nutrition and changes in hormone levels.

9. Hormones 

The factor number nine hormones so a higher level of testosterone also meant that you are going to keep the hair on your head.  Testosterone itself doesn't directly cause hair loss. However, increasing your testosterone levels can also increase your levels of DHT, causing damage to your hair follicles and speeding up the effects of male pattern baldness.Raising your testosterone levels won't magically stop balding or cause your hair to grow back. However, hormones can have an impact on your hair loss. There are three main causes of thinning hair or balding in men: This is perhaps the most common reason for baldness and hair loss.

How to Prevent Hair Loss

Six things that you can do to help prevent hair loss

1. Reduce Stress

Number one reduce stress notice how it's directly related to the nine factors we just talked about
earlier. Learn and practice relaxation techniques (such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga) regularly. Get regular exercise, which helps manage stress and its effects. Spend time with positive people — isolating yourself can make stress worse.

2.  Caffeine for hair regrowth

Caffeine helps to promote hair growth as the chemical targets DHT, which is the hormone responsible for hair loss. When the hormone DHT attaches itself to the hair follicles it prevents the vitamin, proteins and minerals from providing the hair with the nutrients needed to keep the hair growth cycle going

3. Quit smoking 

Number three is to quit smoking number. Studies have also shown that smokers see a significant improvement in their cardiovascular health within just a month of quitting. This can increase the flow of blood and nutrients to your hair follicles, helping to boost the health of your hair and minimize hair loss.

4. Reduce Alcohol or drink moderately 

Moderately meaning between one and four drinks so a glass of wine perhaps in the evening all of a sudden actually that did have an effect and they were less likely to have there basically to lose their hair. By quitting alcohol entirely and eating nutritiously, your body will get the nutrients that it needs for normal hair growth and be able to absorb these nutrients more efficiently

5.  Diet

Your diet can have an effect on hair loss. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants can help fight the signs of oxidative stress — environmental factors that damage hair follicles and contribute to hair loss

6.  Increase your levels of testosterone

Testosterone produces a hormone called dihydrotestosterone which is responsible for balding in males and females. Some may be genetically sensitive to this hormone where as others may have high levels of it. Using proven medications to block DHT from binding to hair follicles can prevent hair fall.Raising your testosterone levels won't magically stop balding or cause your hair to grow back. However, hormones can have an impact on your hair loss. There are three main causes of thinning hair or balding in men: This is perhaps the most common reason for baldness and hair loss

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